Saturday, May 22, 2010

I borrowed a book from my aunt on Monday by Joyce Meyer that really interested me on my journey in becoming a devoted Christian. My goal is to be filled with the Love of God by the Word and not continue my life in anger and pain. In order to do this I must make time a priority for my studies so today I watched the videos that were included with the book. It was one of Joyce Meyers seminars about the Mind and the importance of our thoughts. These are just the notes I jotted down on notepad so I can remember when I look on them.

Controlling what we think about.
What has been on My Mind lately..
  • The current relationship I'm in..
  • The feelings of Anger and Sadness
  • Hopelessness
  • Impatience
Proverbs 4:23 tells us:

your heart with all diligence (over and over again) for out of it flows the issue of LIFE..A specific life he died for us to have.
Be careful about your thoughts thoughts create your attitudes.
the devil will try and inject wrong thoughts into your mind everyday. Keep the door closed.
My determined purpose is to know him..Paul..dissapointments tragedy's through Christ we can find a place to live here but live above the mess.
What the devil intends for my harm God intends for my good. Things might be bad now but in the future good will make it Good.
Everything about the Lord is up..Everything about the devil is Down.
Becareful of what you think and what you say while your The attitude that we have while were in the wilderness determines how long were going to be there
Complain and remain Praise and you will be raised.
Empty space is a place. Stay involved in helping other people. Important to be in some kind of service to others. Stay bust serving and helping one another. 2 Corinthians 10
For the weapons of our warfare are not physical weapons of flesh and blood. they are might before God for the overthrow.."
Read and study the bibgle in educating yourself. we look for the experienced people. Learn the bible and apply it to your life. When a thought comes in that doesn't agree with the bible thats when you kno its cast down the imagination and bring everythough captive to Jesus.
if your thinking one thing and speaking something it interupts the thought. when your thinking the wrong things speak the right things and it will interupt.
Jeremiah 29:11..the bible says that I can let go of whats behind.."
the devil tries to deceive people..thinking its true when its really not true.. if your thoughts are hopeless your going to be hopeless..
your victory is not based on a past generation. James 4:7..Submit yourself to God..Resist the devil..and you will be free..
Wake up and be a blessing..No matter how frusterated or depressed..
There are times in our life when we just cant talk about it anymore. Our problems.
The devil sets us up to get mad before anything ever happens.. Sets us up in a rage.
We have a spirit of self control. Because the spirit of God is dwelling within us. Devil you are a liar & you are not going to steal from me anymore.
Whever I am at right there I don't have to stay there I can make progress.
2 Corinthians 3:18..
Somethings we have to hear over and over and over sins can all be forgiven through repentance. Daily discipline.
Luke chapter 4:1..Jesus was following the holy spirit when satan attacked him..2 times when the devil will come after you your doing something right and wrong.
You will not be able to stand up against the lies of the devil if you are tired and stressed out.
Your body is the one you live in and if you ruin it you have to leave. if you destroy your body your out..God lives in you..
people don't take care of themselves because they have a bad attitude about themselves.
John 10:10
Luke 4:3
if God loves you then why do you have these problems" the devil will attack your identidy..steal your confidence and have your life.
you need to know that you have been made right through the eyes of God.
Tempted works of the flesh..ways that will get rid of our problems trying different things..then we go to God..after all of this.. First line of defence should always be prayer.
Luke 4:4.."It is written"
If you don't have peace about don't you do it..Don't do anything you don't have peace about.
Everytime the devil said something to Jesus, Jesus IMMEDIATELY said something back to him.."It is written"..
1 Peter 5:9..
you can't be pitiful and powerful at the same time. You can't have the power to rise above it if you feel sorry for yourself.
You might feel like your feeling sorry for yourself but it's not going to get over the problem.
Stop sitting around cause nobody else is helping you and do it for yourself.
David encouraged himself in the Lord.
When you have a need sow a seed. and do something for somebody else.
We have Weapons the WORD is a weapon..Praise and Worship is a weapon..
Being thankful is part of Praise and Worship.
everything god does for you and things that go right..Say Thank you. Thank you for my family, Food in my fridge, for a new day.
Think less and thank more.
we think about everything thats wrong we think about every mistake weve made all day. instead of thanking god for the blessing and the forgiveness of our sins. make mistakes theres hope for us to change.

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