Monday, May 3, 2010

Pretty Things


Currently: listening to some Yolanda Adams &
Inspired by FAMILY.

I really pray to have a beautiful family someday. To complete my life and make me happy. Someone to Love me for the rest of my life. Someone who won't give up on me or make me cry. Someone who will treat me with kindness and affection. Someone who will believe in me. A man who loves God and prays to him regularly. Someone who inspires me. Who moves me. Who Loves me for who I am.Someone who won't break my heart but will hold on to it tightly and treat it as a precious piece of glass sure not to shatter it. A man who I can Trust. Someone who will never Leave my side.
Growing up without my dad there I missed this loving family tradition I've always wanted deep within my heart. I yearn to feel this kind of love a Strong Godly family has to offer. with a husbands love for his wife. She will do anything for her husband. While praising God. The children will be wise and whole. They will not feel so alone. Sad. They will be comforted by the Spirit they are shown in the household. I wish I was raised in this household. Maybe I wouldn't have felt so lonely and depressed most of my days. Maybe I would have been a completely different person. I know I would have.

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