Monday, April 19, 2010


These premature orchids are absolutely beautiful! There is no doubt that these orchids are the most exotic looking flower ever! My cousin is using these flowers in her upcoming wedding, May 1st that I just so happen to be a part of. Not the pink but she is using the stunning blueish purpley!
My first wedding as a bridesmaid is pretty exciting! I wish her and her fiance all the best after all they have been through together.

I was contemplating today on the relationship I am involved in and tomorrow will be our ten month anniversary. Not a huge biggie compared to those who have been involved in a relationship for ten+ years but I'd like to say it's important to me.
Sometimes I think of what it will be like to get married. I feel like I still have a lot of soul searching to do within myself before I can love someone else to the full out extent. Watching Zorro today just made me fall deeper in love with the idea of Love. Ahhhhhhh ♥
Hopeless Romantic

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