Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Reasons why

Today is me and my boyfriends 10 months spent together yay!! It's not 10 years or even a year yet but I thought it was an even number TWO whole hands! Feeling as though it was necessary to blog about it. When I asked him what I should write my next blog about he answered: "Write about how much you love me". Lol So I agreed. To some this may be overly cheesy and affectionate but it expresses the best way in words how much I appreciate and love my man.

This is titled "Reasons Why I Love You"

1. I love you because you make me feel So special amongst a crowd of people.
I remember our first date when I asked you to come to belleza latina with me as my date. You made me feel so special because there were so many beautiful Spanish girls competing to win but your eyes were in my direction only looking into mine throughout the whole night. That was the night when you said you loved me & since that night I've been falling deeper and deeper in love with you as well.

2. You hold me in your arms tightly when I'm feeling low and tell me everything is going to be alright.
Before we started living together I remember when you used to come over to my house everyday during the summer. You used to wake up early in the mornings and take the bus to my house then walk up the hill even if it was really hot out. I tried to make myself as beautiful as possible for you. & I used to anticipate the moment you would walk into my bedroom after a long walk up the hill. You were usually really sweaty so I would wipe you off with a cold towel. I held you in my arms and talk about everything that was on our mind. Sometimes we wouldn't even talk I enjoy your company so much. You quickly became my best friend and the most trusted person in my life. I would tell you everything & you opened up to me and did the same.

3. Your presence is a heavenly essence.
Remember the time we went to williams together? I was hanging out with Isabel before I met with you and I was telling her how nervous I was to hang out with you - Reason why I "ditched" you three times before we actually hung out with one another was because I was scared. I was so happy but nervous to see you. I thought you were So Special. Your smile made my heart melt and I wanted to be close to you. We met up at williams and I remember how quiet the whole date was. At first I honestly thought that you were not interested in me anymore because you weren't talking to me and you seemed bored. So I tried talking to You as much as possible and it worked. We then went to your car because you were going to drive me home and you showed me this mandala you made because I made one you thought it was cool to make one for me. I loved your art and I was so happy that you were artistic. We arrived at my house and talked for a bit, I introduced you to my family and before you left I had the idea that I wanted to kiss you. I was so shy my heart was pounding but I had enough courage to go in for the kiss before you left me. I said "Are you forgetting something?" & you kissed me back. I was SO happy that day.

4. The Love letter you wrote.
You wrote me a letter expressing how you felt about me and now that I think back on our memories you were so romantic with me. My heart melted when you read me that letter because I remember you cried for me. I knew then that this Love was serious.

5. When I realized I loved you.
I realized I couldn't be without you. When school started I went to your house everyday after school and thought about you during classes. I wanted to see you everyday and my wish came true because now we live together and it has been 10 months. I Love you because you accept me for who I am & who I'm not. You help me figure me out a little better and you keep me moving. I know your hard on me sometimes but your my motivation!

Within ten months we know eachother and I pray baby that our love will not fade away. Now I know you completely and you are a part of my life and I still feel the same for you. When I think of my future I think of you in it also. What I do also revolves around you.

6. & When it rains it pours, we have our ups and downs. We Fight we break up to make up and that is all it really ever is.

7. I Love you with all my heart and I'm proud of being with such a man with qualities I have always wished to posess.

8. Your the positive part of my day. You are ambitious and intellectual. You like to talk about philosophies with me. You are loving, caring, accepting.

9. I Love you cause you are the Truth - Said he is so real & I love the way that you make me feel & If I am a reflection of him. Then I must be fly because his light it shines so Bright I wouldn't lie. No.

Love Morgan

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