Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Thoughts of a Pisces

I hate it when you suddenly have a great idea pop into your head in which you were going to write about. Although once you get to the computer you forget completely what you were going to express.
I often have days like this.

Today was a weird day. I felt completely off track and I woke up feeling like I was still dreaming so my whole day felt like a dream. Am I crazy or does that ever happen to you too?
I was researching some fashion during marketing class and came across Alexander McQueen omgsh totally in love with his fashion style it's so unusual and appeals to me completely. I was observing people when I was on the bus to school today and people are so..What's the word for it? Umm socially unavailable. Especially the university kids they are so consumed with artificial things. It's so hard living in this world consumed by media, fashion, technology, education! A means for disaster. Not one person my age will ever look you in the eye and send you a warm fuzzy smile. No one passes on that positive energy to one another, Why is this? I mean I guess it's cool we have all these available resources to us but I feel like we are obsessed and dependent completely on the things that keep our minds racing. I've noticed myself becoming scared of how life would be without being available 24.7. I wish I lived somewhere peaceful so I could free my mind from this stressful way of living. I go to school for an education. Not knowing what I want to do with my life but limiting myself because I feel so damn unable from the rest of them because I know it's all a competition and there are of course people way smarter then me. I try my best to think positive and to feel great about myself but I continue school. A place where all emotion exists. Good and Bad. I feel like a drifter completely. Then from there I work my ass off to get somewhere like University. I take classes that will help me make a living. I get money and I spend it on things like this computer. Where I waste most of my life typing to people about things I like. Mind you people I've never met. Nor do I even know.

I just find it exhausting, putting on a new mask every single day. Trying so hard to find MYSELF & who I am but I'm still so confused with little direction.

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