Saturday, May 22, 2010

I borrowed a book from my aunt on Monday by Joyce Meyer that really interested me on my journey in becoming a devoted Christian. My goal is to be filled with the Love of God by the Word and not continue my life in anger and pain. In order to do this I must make time a priority for my studies so today I watched the videos that were included with the book. It was one of Joyce Meyers seminars about the Mind and the importance of our thoughts. These are just the notes I jotted down on notepad so I can remember when I look on them.

Controlling what we think about.
What has been on My Mind lately..
  • The current relationship I'm in..
  • The feelings of Anger and Sadness
  • Hopelessness
  • Impatience
Proverbs 4:23 tells us:

your heart with all diligence (over and over again) for out of it flows the issue of LIFE..A specific life he died for us to have.
Be careful about your thoughts thoughts create your attitudes.
the devil will try and inject wrong thoughts into your mind everyday. Keep the door closed.
My determined purpose is to know him..Paul..dissapointments tragedy's through Christ we can find a place to live here but live above the mess.
What the devil intends for my harm God intends for my good. Things might be bad now but in the future good will make it Good.
Everything about the Lord is up..Everything about the devil is Down.
Becareful of what you think and what you say while your The attitude that we have while were in the wilderness determines how long were going to be there
Complain and remain Praise and you will be raised.
Empty space is a place. Stay involved in helping other people. Important to be in some kind of service to others. Stay bust serving and helping one another. 2 Corinthians 10
For the weapons of our warfare are not physical weapons of flesh and blood. they are might before God for the overthrow.."
Read and study the bibgle in educating yourself. we look for the experienced people. Learn the bible and apply it to your life. When a thought comes in that doesn't agree with the bible thats when you kno its cast down the imagination and bring everythough captive to Jesus.
if your thinking one thing and speaking something it interupts the thought. when your thinking the wrong things speak the right things and it will interupt.
Jeremiah 29:11..the bible says that I can let go of whats behind.."
the devil tries to deceive people..thinking its true when its really not true.. if your thoughts are hopeless your going to be hopeless..
your victory is not based on a past generation. James 4:7..Submit yourself to God..Resist the devil..and you will be free..
Wake up and be a blessing..No matter how frusterated or depressed..
There are times in our life when we just cant talk about it anymore. Our problems.
The devil sets us up to get mad before anything ever happens.. Sets us up in a rage.
We have a spirit of self control. Because the spirit of God is dwelling within us. Devil you are a liar & you are not going to steal from me anymore.
Whever I am at right there I don't have to stay there I can make progress.
2 Corinthians 3:18..
Somethings we have to hear over and over and over sins can all be forgiven through repentance. Daily discipline.
Luke chapter 4:1..Jesus was following the holy spirit when satan attacked him..2 times when the devil will come after you your doing something right and wrong.
You will not be able to stand up against the lies of the devil if you are tired and stressed out.
Your body is the one you live in and if you ruin it you have to leave. if you destroy your body your out..God lives in you..
people don't take care of themselves because they have a bad attitude about themselves.
John 10:10
Luke 4:3
if God loves you then why do you have these problems" the devil will attack your identidy..steal your confidence and have your life.
you need to know that you have been made right through the eyes of God.
Tempted works of the flesh..ways that will get rid of our problems trying different things..then we go to God..after all of this.. First line of defence should always be prayer.
Luke 4:4.."It is written"
If you don't have peace about don't you do it..Don't do anything you don't have peace about.
Everytime the devil said something to Jesus, Jesus IMMEDIATELY said something back to him.."It is written"..
1 Peter 5:9..
you can't be pitiful and powerful at the same time. You can't have the power to rise above it if you feel sorry for yourself.
You might feel like your feeling sorry for yourself but it's not going to get over the problem.
Stop sitting around cause nobody else is helping you and do it for yourself.
David encouraged himself in the Lord.
When you have a need sow a seed. and do something for somebody else.
We have Weapons the WORD is a weapon..Praise and Worship is a weapon..
Being thankful is part of Praise and Worship.
everything god does for you and things that go right..Say Thank you. Thank you for my family, Food in my fridge, for a new day.
Think less and thank more.
we think about everything thats wrong we think about every mistake weve made all day. instead of thanking god for the blessing and the forgiveness of our sins. make mistakes theres hope for us to change.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

No Tears

India Arie.
Beautiful Woman you inspire me to be.
Natural Woman. Humble & Strong.
Comforting melodies.

I stayed home from school today because when I looked outside the world didn't seem to inviting. It's rainy, cold, and windy. Not my cup of tea. Although this whole week didn't invite me rainy or clear skies. I wanted to hide this whole week and come outside my shell when the negativity has passed. It still hasn't. I could try harder. To be honest though, I've been avoiding my blog life because I am so urgently trying to get myself to write something that inspires not only myself but others. Something beautifully poetic and wonderful, but the words won't allow themselves to pour out of my soul. Maybe this is due to the face that I haven't been feeling well lately. My heart is not opening. I feel closed off.

Anyways Miss negativity BE POSITIVE.
Let me see now I'm listening to some pretty dope music right now. NEO-SOUL is what I Love.
Found some new artists I've never heard of such as Leela James. She has a unique voice I like it.

I always wished I had an amazing voice so I could be a singer. I been researching and I think i'm going to take the path of a midwife. Delivering babies and being a mothers emotional support. I figure this job will alow my hearts Compassion Shine.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I feel my thoughts are on auto control. My mind is not at all disciplined enough to ignore the things that come through one ear and out the other and lately it's really been doing a number on Me! Why am I letting the negativity of the world account for my happiness or sadness?
It's not circumstances I myself have personally experienced, not the bullsh*t teenagers most give all their time and energy over, (although I have experienced this crap as well).. I is the atmosphere in which I am living. The Un-Godly World! The drama I'm viewing daily. My Soul My Life the Love I have for myself My faith and trust in God. I feel that it is hard to escape the cruelties of this world especially when you are a sensitive young woman trying to find herself. It feels like putting together the most complicating puzzle in the world.

Something that I am certain of is through *His* eyes I am an innocent child of God. Not the undecided woman who doesn't know who she is. Feelings of insecurities do not ponder in *His* mind because he knows I am perfect through him. Where as I see myself being cloned into what the world programs me to be.
In other words A spitting image of my fellow being. In my heart I know I am unique, worthy and strong enough to face the battles that God wants me to overcome but I feel like the cowardly lion shaking when it is time to face my battle.

Lately I have been feeling my Spirit calling on me to act Righteousness and Good. It is SO hard to be this way especially in an atmosphere where Fear, Hate, Ignorance, and Judgement is all thrown into the pot. To end intimate relationships with those who do not feed the goodness in my life and to let go of physical desires and attractions. I constantly find myself thinking negatively and desiring materialistic possessions and artificial emotions because I am so scared to trust in this spirit that is reminding me day-by-day to put down the shield that is guarding my heart and to trust in *His* Love to shelter me from harm.

I always bring myself to thinking of Jesus and how the "Crowd" was so Vile in treating him. I Cannot imagine how Jesus must have felt when he was treated so harshly at the time of his death. Dying for the sinners who abandon him, beat him, stripped him, laughed at him. Through Love he forgave them and died for *My* sins. So Why Is it so hard to die for my own?

I guess I am a coward, But I do know that I have Courage running through my veins because God is calling on me through the spirit for a reason. He is constantly in the back of my mind reminding me that I must pray, act in goodness, feed my spirit, meditate, love my enemies, and let go of certain circumstances and relationships.

I do not know what God's plan is for me and at times I do not feel the spirit running through me although I know it is there because I can feel it when I am acting in such a way that consoles the spiritual nature of myself. My struggles lie within ignoring God because my EGO-tistical nature is leading me into the paths of what I want to do and when I want to do it. But God never gives up on me because in the back of my mind I know that he wants me to serve him in a way that I know pleases him and I. Sometimes I do not even know where to begin. So personal renewal begins with my actions in dedicating myself to the one who I owe it all to, for the one who cares most, and Loves me in a way that I will never be loved here on Earth by No Man. I Wish more people would see how urgent it is to dedicate our lives over to *His* will is and to walk in his footsteps. We would all be living with feelings of fullness and Unconditional Love and in the end isn't that what everyone Seeks?

Morgan Olivia

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Inspiring Quotes

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be
Lao Tzu

What I find to be very bad advice is the snappy little sentence, ‘Write what you know.’ It is the most tiresome and stupid advice that could possibly be given. If we write simply about what we know we never grow. We don’t develop any facility for languages, or an interest in others, or a desire to travel and explore and face experience head-on. We just coil tighter and tighter into our boring little selves. What one should write about is what interests one.

Annie Proulx

*** *** ***

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny…

Frank Outlaw

Writing is a form of personal freedom. It frees us from the mass identity we see in the making all around us. In the end, writers will write not to be outlaw heroes of some underculture but mainly to save themselves, to survive as individuals.

Don Delillo

*** *** ***

I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.

Mother Teresa

Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don’t give up.

Anne Lamott
*** *** ***

The human heart has hidden treasures, In secret kept, in silence sealed; The thoughts, the hopes, the dreams, the pleasures, Whose charms were broken if revealed.

Charlotte Bronte

If someone asked for my recipe for happiness, step one would be finding out what you love doing most in the world and step two would be finding someone to pay you to do it. I consider myself very lucky indeed to be able to support myself by writing.

J.K. Rowling

*** *** ***

Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Pretty Things


Currently: listening to some Yolanda Adams &
Inspired by FAMILY.

I really pray to have a beautiful family someday. To complete my life and make me happy. Someone to Love me for the rest of my life. Someone who won't give up on me or make me cry. Someone who will treat me with kindness and affection. Someone who will believe in me. A man who loves God and prays to him regularly. Someone who inspires me. Who moves me. Who Loves me for who I am.Someone who won't break my heart but will hold on to it tightly and treat it as a precious piece of glass sure not to shatter it. A man who I can Trust. Someone who will never Leave my side.
Growing up without my dad there I missed this loving family tradition I've always wanted deep within my heart. I yearn to feel this kind of love a Strong Godly family has to offer. with a husbands love for his wife. She will do anything for her husband. While praising God. The children will be wise and whole. They will not feel so alone. Sad. They will be comforted by the Spirit they are shown in the household. I wish I was raised in this household. Maybe I wouldn't have felt so lonely and depressed most of my days. Maybe I would have been a completely different person. I know I would have.

Friday, April 30, 2010


Random pics I found while browsing the Internet of my girl Alicia Keys & Whitney Houston looking absolutely Stunning! I really love that blue on Miss Keys her outfit is very flattering to her figure. She's so beautiful & unique. I give props to Whitney for recovering and getting clean of the drugs. She seems happy now and I've always loved miss Diva. Both my favs in the music industry.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

This is beautiful. Read it to the end. The message is awesome!!!

By T.D. Jakes

There are people who can walk away from you.

And hear me when I tell you this! When people can walk away from you: let them walk. I don't want you to try to talk another person into staying with you, loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you, staying attached to you. I mean hang up the phone.

When people can walk away from you let them walk. Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left.

The bible said that, they came out from us that it might be made manifest that they were not for us. For had they been of us, no doubt they would have continued with us. [1 John 2:19]

People leave you because they are not joined to you. And if they are not joined to you, you can't make them stay.

Let them go.

And it doesn't mean that they are a bad person it just means that their part in the story is over. And you've got to know when people's part in your story is over so that you don't keep trying to raise the dead.. You've got to know when it's dead.

You've got to know when it's over. Let me tell you something.. I've got the gift of good-bye. It's the tenth spiritual gift, I believe in good-bye.. It's not that I'm hateful, it's that I'm faithful, and I know whatever God means for me to have He'll give it to me. And if it takes too much sweat I don't need it. Stop begging people to stay.

Let them go!!

If you are holding on to something that doesn't belong to you and was never intended for your life, then you need to......


If you are holding on to past hurts and pains .......


If someone can't treat you right, love you back, and see your worth......


If someone has angered you.


If you are holding on to some thoughts of evil and revenge.....


If you are involved in a wrong relationship or addiction... ..


If you are holding on to a job that no longer meets your needs or talents


If you have a bad attitude.... ...


If you keep judging others to make yourself feel better......


If you're stuck in the past and God is trying to take you to a new level in Him.........


If you are struggling with the healing of a broken relationship. ....


If you keep trying to help someone who won't even try to help themselves.. ....


If you're feeling depressed and stressed ............


If there is a particular situation that you are so used to handling yourself and God is saying 'take your hands off of it,' then you need to......


'The Battle is the Lord's!'

During the next 60 seconds, Stop whatever you are doing, and take this opportunity..

(Literally it is only ONE minute!)

All you have to do is the following:

You simply say 'The Lords Prayer' for the person that sent you this message:

The Lords Prayer

Our Father, who are in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, forever.


Next, send this message to everyone you know. In a while, more people will have prayed for you and you would have obtained a lot of people praying for others!

Next, stop and think and appreciate God's power in your life, for doing what you know is pleasing to Him.

If you are not ashamed to do this, follow the instructions!

Jesus said, If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you before My Father'

If you are not ashamed, send this message.... only if you believe.

'Yes, I love my God. He is my fountain of Life and My Savior.

He Keeps me going day and night. Without Him, I am no one. But with Him, I can do everything, Christ is my strength.' This is a simple test.

If you love God and you are not ashamed of all the great things that He has done for you, send this to everyone you know.

God loves you and watches over you everyday.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Faith Is Fresh

I really like this blog: FaithIsFresh
Check it out.

Let your light shine bright

Getting waken up early in the morning on a weekend isn't the best, thanks to my bf who woke me up leaving to work. No school today because it's a P.D. day yay! I couldn't get back to sleep anyways so I began browsing the web searching new bohemian summer looks and came across ethnic Kimono dresses. Absolutely beautiful & unique patterns that bring out the roots in different cultures I guess you could say lol! I need a different look this year so I'm experimenting & I was thinking dresses all summer long? Flowy and less sticky esp. in the hot summers sun. Fresh Look though I like the middle one most the contrast with her skin makes it look so orginal.

I feel like making a list of random things. I love making lists.
  • Is there such a thing as couples who are problem free? Joy without pain.
  • I want a room where there is an old window with a lot of light shinning through. I window in the same room as my office where I write lovely stories and for inspiration I would look out of the window.
  • I want to start my own inspiration board of all the beautiful things that will make me happy in life.
  • Discovering what my passion in life is. Something I will never grow old of. Something I will continue to pursue.
  • Paint a really stunning piece of art.
  • Get my drivers license.
  • Meditate once a day. Freeing my mind & making myself an individual from everyone else.
  • Sing in a Choir.
  • Eventually stop eating meat.
  • Even thought my mom thinks its a waste of monet living in an appartment I have always wanted to live in a really chic loft.
  • Becoming an Independent woman one day like my mom.
  • Finally coming Closer to God & letting releasing all of my fears. Developing spiritually and mentally with him.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mind Your Mind: A Personal Journal

I need to begin my next blog for mindyourmind a website that reaches out to young adults dealing with mental health probles. People who may be struggling and coping with challenges in life. As it says on the website a place to get "Unstuck".

Personal Story.
I had a break down at school today. Not a complete break down just shed some tears in front of the librarian & spoke about the struggles I am currently going through. Sometimes I think I'm going insane completely and it's unbelievable because I don't understand how I got this way. It all started last summer with hot and cold sweats at the same time, and not to mention the midnight terrors waking up sweating and shaking in the night. I thought I had a demon in me or something was trying really hard to posses my body so I prayed hard. My first panic attack. It was horrible I was walking down the street and my heart started pounding out of my chest. I thought every car with someone in it was trying to kidnap me and do terrible things to me. I thought right there and then I was about to do one of two things, 1) Freak out while crossing the street and get hit by a car. Or 2) Pass out right there outside on the sidewalk surrounded by strangers on York Street, downtown London Ontario. I was horrified. I was just innocently getting out of the gym and walking to meet my mom and sister and without warning experienced my first panic attack. From then on I couldn't stop thinking about the cause. I realize that my Nonno suffers from bi-polar disorder and my uncles are drug abusers but I never thought any of that would be passed on to me through a severe panic attack out of the blue? Then I questioned my genetics. Maybe I have some of whatever my grandfather has. My dad tells me when he was younger his father used to wake up in the middle of the night yelling and screaming out thinking people were out to get him. I experienced this at a younger age but never made anything of it.

I never wanted to admit that I had something genetically unbalanced in my brain. I didn't want to seem weird. To think differently. But I do, I have had panic attacks and I encounter anxiety frequently. I suffered major depression when I began high school though I never knew the cause of my sadness. My parents had a divorce? It was 6-7 years ago I should be over it what the hell was making me so sad? What a weird life to live when you are always sad! I still don't know 100% if it's caused by chemicals in my brain or if it's just my mind playing tricks on me. But I do know that sometimes medicine isn't always the best cure for people. When I told my doctor about my symptoms he diagnosed me with Citalopram, just a small dose” he said. I'm more of a natural remedy person so I took the meds but I felt even crazier and aggressive. I still woke up in the middle of the night with my mind racing and hearing voices in my head making me feel bad about myself. Why Does this happen? I wondered.

I researched online that the duration of a panic attack depends on the person, for me it continued sporadically throughout the day. I feared when the sun went down, sometimes I stayed up all night without sleeping, reading or drawing to try and take my mind off my unrealistic fears. I believe it to be one of the most distressing conditions that a person can experience. I began praying to God to help me get through this and I prayed that he may take this burden off my shoulders. Now before I speak of God I know that some people have their own personal opinions on Religion and I guess for some no religion or grounds for belief at all. I guess for some it works this way? But for me I need a positive motive to look forward to, especially the thought of a perfect Heaven. I believed God could help me get through this. I met my boyfriend during the same period and his parents were Christians. His father was a pastor and I explained to him what I was going through and he prayed for me. He told me that anything is possible through God if you pray hard and mean it from the bottom of your heart. I really just wanted my anxieties to go away along with all negative thinking! So the next night terror I had I focused deeply on thinking of a light and a good feeling created from the heart. I prayed to the God who I believe created us. The Shelter away from all fear. The Compassionate & Kind God. The one who sent His Son to Save me God. The generous God. The forgiving God. I prayed so hard I got a painful sensation in my head and all of a sudden it was completely blank. I wasn't scared and my mind wasn't racing like a computer with a million pop-ups because it has gotten a virus. For that moment I didn't have any thought, I was blank. No fear. I went to sleep finally.

Now that a year has gone by I still have negative thoughts pass through my mind occasionally and at times it really freaks me out. But at the back of my mind I know that these attacks don't have full control over me because God does. If I focus completely on him I won't be scared or living in fear. I just have to focus on him more and it's really hard especially when your a teenager because you have so many other things going on in your life. I deeply sympathize with people who suffer from any kind of mental disorder because it is really hard to cope with. Although my advice to those who suffer from what I did I advise you to pray hard. Just believe that your faith is stronger then anything else in your body. Your faith is the control system of your words, your actions & of your life.

Thought of the day: What makes a good writer?

The woman seems so Lost In Thought.
Fearless Woman with the Moons Blessing.
She Knows the answer Just doesn't understand how to apply it.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Thoughts of a Pisces

I hate it when you suddenly have a great idea pop into your head in which you were going to write about. Although once you get to the computer you forget completely what you were going to express.
I often have days like this.

Today was a weird day. I felt completely off track and I woke up feeling like I was still dreaming so my whole day felt like a dream. Am I crazy or does that ever happen to you too?
I was researching some fashion during marketing class and came across Alexander McQueen omgsh totally in love with his fashion style it's so unusual and appeals to me completely. I was observing people when I was on the bus to school today and people are so..What's the word for it? Umm socially unavailable. Especially the university kids they are so consumed with artificial things. It's so hard living in this world consumed by media, fashion, technology, education! A means for disaster. Not one person my age will ever look you in the eye and send you a warm fuzzy smile. No one passes on that positive energy to one another, Why is this? I mean I guess it's cool we have all these available resources to us but I feel like we are obsessed and dependent completely on the things that keep our minds racing. I've noticed myself becoming scared of how life would be without being available 24.7. I wish I lived somewhere peaceful so I could free my mind from this stressful way of living. I go to school for an education. Not knowing what I want to do with my life but limiting myself because I feel so damn unable from the rest of them because I know it's all a competition and there are of course people way smarter then me. I try my best to think positive and to feel great about myself but I continue school. A place where all emotion exists. Good and Bad. I feel like a drifter completely. Then from there I work my ass off to get somewhere like University. I take classes that will help me make a living. I get money and I spend it on things like this computer. Where I waste most of my life typing to people about things I like. Mind you people I've never met. Nor do I even know.

I just find it exhausting, putting on a new mask every single day. Trying so hard to find MYSELF & who I am but I'm still so confused with little direction.

Reasons why

Today is me and my boyfriends 10 months spent together yay!! It's not 10 years or even a year yet but I thought it was an even number TWO whole hands! Feeling as though it was necessary to blog about it. When I asked him what I should write my next blog about he answered: "Write about how much you love me". Lol So I agreed. To some this may be overly cheesy and affectionate but it expresses the best way in words how much I appreciate and love my man.

This is titled "Reasons Why I Love You"

1. I love you because you make me feel So special amongst a crowd of people.
I remember our first date when I asked you to come to belleza latina with me as my date. You made me feel so special because there were so many beautiful Spanish girls competing to win but your eyes were in my direction only looking into mine throughout the whole night. That was the night when you said you loved me & since that night I've been falling deeper and deeper in love with you as well.

2. You hold me in your arms tightly when I'm feeling low and tell me everything is going to be alright.
Before we started living together I remember when you used to come over to my house everyday during the summer. You used to wake up early in the mornings and take the bus to my house then walk up the hill even if it was really hot out. I tried to make myself as beautiful as possible for you. & I used to anticipate the moment you would walk into my bedroom after a long walk up the hill. You were usually really sweaty so I would wipe you off with a cold towel. I held you in my arms and talk about everything that was on our mind. Sometimes we wouldn't even talk I enjoy your company so much. You quickly became my best friend and the most trusted person in my life. I would tell you everything & you opened up to me and did the same.

3. Your presence is a heavenly essence.
Remember the time we went to williams together? I was hanging out with Isabel before I met with you and I was telling her how nervous I was to hang out with you - Reason why I "ditched" you three times before we actually hung out with one another was because I was scared. I was so happy but nervous to see you. I thought you were So Special. Your smile made my heart melt and I wanted to be close to you. We met up at williams and I remember how quiet the whole date was. At first I honestly thought that you were not interested in me anymore because you weren't talking to me and you seemed bored. So I tried talking to You as much as possible and it worked. We then went to your car because you were going to drive me home and you showed me this mandala you made because I made one you thought it was cool to make one for me. I loved your art and I was so happy that you were artistic. We arrived at my house and talked for a bit, I introduced you to my family and before you left I had the idea that I wanted to kiss you. I was so shy my heart was pounding but I had enough courage to go in for the kiss before you left me. I said "Are you forgetting something?" & you kissed me back. I was SO happy that day.

4. The Love letter you wrote.
You wrote me a letter expressing how you felt about me and now that I think back on our memories you were so romantic with me. My heart melted when you read me that letter because I remember you cried for me. I knew then that this Love was serious.

5. When I realized I loved you.
I realized I couldn't be without you. When school started I went to your house everyday after school and thought about you during classes. I wanted to see you everyday and my wish came true because now we live together and it has been 10 months. I Love you because you accept me for who I am & who I'm not. You help me figure me out a little better and you keep me moving. I know your hard on me sometimes but your my motivation!

Within ten months we know eachother and I pray baby that our love will not fade away. Now I know you completely and you are a part of my life and I still feel the same for you. When I think of my future I think of you in it also. What I do also revolves around you.

6. & When it rains it pours, we have our ups and downs. We Fight we break up to make up and that is all it really ever is.

7. I Love you with all my heart and I'm proud of being with such a man with qualities I have always wished to posess.

8. Your the positive part of my day. You are ambitious and intellectual. You like to talk about philosophies with me. You are loving, caring, accepting.

9. I Love you cause you are the Truth - Said he is so real & I love the way that you make me feel & If I am a reflection of him. Then I must be fly because his light it shines so Bright I wouldn't lie. No.

Love Morgan

Monday, April 19, 2010


I am in love with Moroccan inspired design! It is so natural and the ambiance is magical, peaceful and irresistible. I think in this surrounding I can easily listen carefully to the melodies Sade and practice on breathing and serenity. It's an area to dream and to let go of everything. Just to be.
I am inspired by the neutral colours with the red, orange, and golds.
Absolutely love this design.

Not so Moroccan but I also enjoy the modern side of things. The white is fresh and the bold colours really define this room. I love the shape of the windows.Stunning bedroom designs. Tranquility at it's best. Especially the last one Love decorates the bedroom. I like the curtains falling down at the side of the bed very romantic.
Imagine this balcony right outside the doors of your apartment villa. So precious. I love this because it is so fresh and brings serenity into the air. I could easily pull up a chair and read from finish to end a long book on a day like this, sipping on something fruity. Love it!


These premature orchids are absolutely beautiful! There is no doubt that these orchids are the most exotic looking flower ever! My cousin is using these flowers in her upcoming wedding, May 1st that I just so happen to be a part of. Not the pink but she is using the stunning blueish purpley!
My first wedding as a bridesmaid is pretty exciting! I wish her and her fiance all the best after all they have been through together.

I was contemplating today on the relationship I am involved in and tomorrow will be our ten month anniversary. Not a huge biggie compared to those who have been involved in a relationship for ten+ years but I'd like to say it's important to me.
Sometimes I think of what it will be like to get married. I feel like I still have a lot of soul searching to do within myself before I can love someone else to the full out extent. Watching Zorro today just made me fall deeper in love with the idea of Love. Ahhhhhhh ♥
Hopeless Romantic

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dear April 16, 2010

Today I will think with my heart and not with my mind. I will ignore all negative thoughts & push them out of my brain to focus on listening to my soul speaking through me. Everything that I think with my thoughts are usually wrong anyways. So let's try thinking with the heart. Take some time to let my feelings show. And by the way Thank you God for creating me and always keeping me protected. I ask you to help me with this process to change myself internally. I ask you to be there with me through it. to speak to me through my soul. Today will be a good day.
I will be my own Best Friend.
I will be loving towards myself.

Light Some Incense...

So there has been a lot of controversy about Erykah Badu's new video "Window Seat" where she strips down completely NAKED for the whole world to see. The video begins with her walking on the sidewalk fully dressed but to everyone’s surprise throughout the duration of the video she begins to strip. The video was shot in her hometown in Dallas, Texas and the video ends with the singer being shot in the plaza at the exact same location of President John F. Kennedy’s 1963 assassination.

When watching this I was a little intrigued by what her motive was behind shooting a video such as this. To me I trust that Badu wouldn't have done this if there wasn't a creative motive behind it. I found it was harmless, imaginative and clever. Now if we took a look at the reoccurring stripping in most videos where women like Gaga, Beyonce and Nicki Minaj are shaking their asses and hinting at the most indecent messages, we could all say Badu's portray would be an act of mere innocence. I'm so sick of Gaga & Beyonce especially the video "Telephone" it’s not a bad song but the video is way to graphic for me. To those who haven’t watched it they both act out the most distorted messed up evil message I've ever viewed on television. Exactly what kind of music are they providing for the people in this generation? Are we trying to make the youth crazy? I'm SO inclined to shut off the t.v. immediately when anything of Gaga's comes on she gives me the creeps!

Anyways Badu has been one of my most admired artists ever since I was introduced to her music. I love the woman! I feel this was a very powerful statement for not only black women but women in general. There's something really eerie about the end where she is shot and drops instantly naked on the ground as the blue cartooned blood is released that spells out, GROUP THINK. I think this was the moment where she tried to aware the viewer of the mishaps of the world. Badu's statement was to make people think deeper about our existence. Many people hide themselves behind an artificial image because they think that if you release the naked truth about yourself you will be shot down. To some this video may be a hit or miss depending on how you think about it, you either Love it or you Hate it. Some however believe she did it for attention for her new album New Amerykah Part. 2: Return Of The Ankh. It's somewhat sad that our society couldn't get a clue if it was handed to them. Personally I believe her music sells itself, and other Badu followers would say the same. As Badu puts it, "I liberate the minds, then I go on home."

At the end of the video Badu explains the GROUP THINK theory:

"They play it safe. Are quick to assassinate what they do not understand. They move in packs. Ingesting more and more fear with every act of hate on one another. They feel most comfortable in groups. Less guilt to swollow. They are us. This is what we have become. Afraid to respect the individual. A single person within a circumstance can move one to change. To love one herself. To evolve."